Sunday, September 6, 2015

Make Yourself Good Enough

What would you feel when you have an ambition - a goal you want to reach but then someone else reaches it first? Well for me, sometimes it feels terrible because I'll then feel useless. It's like, everybody does better then me. This feeling doesn't only appear when I'm with my family, being compared to one another. It appears everywhere and at anytime. I guess you can say it's a feeling I can't avoid because it's fate. I know I'm obviously not the only one who feels this way because almost everybody feels that they are not good enough. Within society these days, for a women (also men) to feel useless and not worthy, it's very likely and common due to the standards and expectations that our society sees today.

Ask yourself, why can everyone else reach their goal but you can't? It's not because life is not fair. It's because life and God or whatever you believe in, just wants you to try harder because it knows you're stronger but the thing is, you have to strive for it to happen. 

My place in life is always not good enough. I want to be a writer that inspires people but my brother got there first. I want to be beautiful so I could be a part time model, but looks like my friends reach there first and it's not working out so well for me. I want to be a person who people look up to, but I guess people just don't see me. I was never noticed and even when I was, shit happens.

But you know what? I learn to just don't care of what people say and see of me. I just do what I think is best for me. I have a goal, I set it in my mind and whatever people say and expect, I stick to my goal. I don't regret all my mistakes in the past because even though it's the most stupid shit I've ever done, that's what made me who I am today. I love myself yet, in the past, I used to hate and hurt myself. I learn and I move forward. I forgive and I forget. I observe and I reflect. I learn to take in whatever shit people throw at me and take it as a positive. Every negative can be turned into positive. Nothing is impossible. Take a risk sometimes, it may have a positive outcome. People are just scared because they know that risks have a negative outcome but if it turns out positive, usually it's something massive and rewarding. My advice is; take risks but only if you prepared yourself for any kind of outcome, either positive or negative and take it as a lesson to use in the future to shape a better person that once lived in the past. Don't say you are not good enough, because actions do speak louder than words so make yourself good enough because the only person that can make you strong is yourself.

Thanks for reading ^^

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why So Confusing?

Hey, I'm here. I got to say that I fell for this guy but I'm not really sure what he feels. He told me he loves me so damn much but he doesn't really show it. I get that he's that kind of person who doesn't really show emotion and yes history and experiences form and shape who we are now but I just don't know if he's sincere. I really need a sign. But the thing is, I have a feeling that I'll get heartbroken a lot of times but I took the risk anyway. Haha, things people do for love. It's crazy. They'll put their love interest's feelings before their own. I just don't know why and how I feel for this guy. I guess it just happens unexpectedly. I hope it'll turn out okay later though. I don't know how long I can be left heartbroken. But I can't really blame him though. Because he warned me but I told him I'll still take the risk anyway and that I'm not afraid of heartbreak. I guess I'm not, it's just that I've always gave advice to people that it's okay to take risks cause sometimes it'll turn out extraordinary but people usually don't take risks because they know there's a possibility that there will be a negative outcome. Oh well, I guess I can gain experience. I'm NOT afraid of heartbreak but I just want to avoid it sometimes if I could but that's just life. I just need a sign from you.

I just, love you...

Thanks for reading ^^