Monday, April 20, 2015

Girls Are Complicated

Girls are complicated. We really are, I swear. I mean girls can cry at the most ridiculous things ever. One thing I know about girls, or most of the girls is that they will expect you to do the sweetest things even though they say "No, you don't have to", they just don't want to seem selfish. If you do those really sweet things, believe me you will make their day. I did some research and also having some knowledge myself cause obviously I'm a girl, these are some things guys should know about girls.
  • Girls hate being pressured into doing something they don't want to
  • Girls like it when you surprise them with SIMPLE THINGS like little notes saying their beautiful or whatever
  • Some girls build up walls around themselves just to which boy is brave enough to climb over it
  • To girls, the simplest things mean so much like JUST going for a walk and talking or holding hands. Even though it simple, it means SO MUCH.
  • When you want to do something nice for her, it doesn't really have to be something big or anything, it just means so much if you tried your best (Especially if you do something or give something hand made and not purchased)
  • Girls love guys that can be gentlemen, we love it when you are sweet and pull out our chair for us or hold the door (Even though it's kinda cheesy, it's still pretty cute and sweet)
  • Conversation, we love it when you ask how was our day and when you be a very good listener also when you give us encouragement or comfort if we are having a bad day like "It's okay, I'm always here for you" or "Yeah, you can do it, never give up. I'll be here supporting you"
  • Don't hold back whatever you're feeling, try and discuss, don't think of it as an argument
  • We read a lot into things since we care so much, so watch what you say
  • AGAIN, love the LITTLE THINGS. Guys don't have to out for dinner and pay $100 for a meal, we can just buy $1 ice creams and stroll by a lake or a text showing that he's thinking about his girl
  • HUGS
  • WHEN GIRLS ARE ANGRY AT SOMETHING ELSE OTHER THAN YOU, give them a hug, comfort them and again be a good listener.
  • ACTIONS ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. If you love her, show her that you do, don't just say it. If you're too lazy to do the little things she loves, it might break her heart. It broke my heart.
  • Be STRAIGHT FORWARD OF HOW YOU FEEL. Deep conversation makes a girl go crazy.
  • Pretty general but make us laugh
  • When you're actually interested in what we are saying and not just like "Skip the details"
  • Girls love guys that we can be ourselves around, and when you can be yourself around us.
Believe me, there is a lot more but I guess I'll just end it here. Personally, I think girls will always be like babies even though some of them seem tough and shit, you don't really know what they feel and expect. They'll always need comfort and care and love and the feeling of being safe. But yeah, NNEVER FORGET THE LITTLE THINGS!

Thanks for reading ^^

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